Edward Leigh, M.A.

Creating positive workplace environments to
energize people and increase productivity

"Joy on the Job"Electronic Newsletter!

For Professional



Value of Coaching

Every person who has achieved significant success had one attribute in common; they all had coaches. We need coaches in our lives to maximize our potential. The process identifies and leverages personal presentation and communication style strengths and overcomes limitations. You will feel more confident and be able to inspire yourself and others to greatness.

The coaching sessions are based on your specific needs. All coaching sessions have personal pre-coaching assessments and post-change follow up plans to maintain the new skills.

We offer two types of coaching. Please click on the coaching type for more information.

Presentation Skills Coaching

NOTE: The presentation skills coaching is often done in conjunction with a presentation skills training session. This format includes a program and followed by individual coaching sessions.

This presentation skills coaching contains proven methods to create and deliver powerful programs. The personalized coaching reviews every aspect of your presentation to create powerful results. The coaching sessions covers: preparing dynamic openings and closings; customizing content for different audiences; developing eye-catching handouts and audiovisuals; and tips to enhance voice and body language characteristics. The skills taught in this program are "life skills" that can be used in every interaction, not just restricted to formal presentations.

The Presentation Skills Coaching Process

Pre-Coaching Assessment: A pre-program questionnaire sent to each participant to determine individual needs. This process also includes a pre-program phone consultation with each participant. This process allows each coaching session to be customized to the participant’s specific needs.

Presentation Skills Coaching: On the day of meeting with a participant, the coach reviews the assessment results and begins the process of development GREAT presentation. The coach first reviews the presentation content and how the information is presented and in what sequence. The participant’s program opening and closing are carefully studied, as these are two critical parts of the presentation. The content is then customized each audience. The coach also helps each participant with audiovisual tools, including effectively using PowerPoint. The participant’s voice and body language are enhanced through specific techniques.

Post-Coaching Evaluation: The coach produces a written report of observations and recommendations for the participant. This process also includes "after-care" through telephone and e-mail contacts to ensure that the participant’s skills remain strong.

To Schedule a Presentation Skills Coaching Session, please contact us at:
1-800-677-3256 / 440-338-3056 or Edward@EdwardLeigh.com


Communication Skills Coaching

NOTE: The communication skills coaching is often done in conjunction with a communication skills training session. This format includes a program and followed by individual coaching sessions.

Today’s challenging workplace environment requires excellent communication skills to be successful.  During times of stress our communication skills can easily falter leading to poor relationships with other people.  This behavior leads to greatly diminished productivity.

The Value of Communication Skills Coaching

A manager or co-worker may feel reluctant to share problem areas.  A communication skills coach offer an ideal perspective, which is practical and cost effective for people who want to dramatically improve workplace performance. An experienced professional coach gives private, one-on-one suggestions for improvement.

The process is framed in a very positive light. It is important that the participants understand this is an enrichment process, not a punishment. The process focuses on highlighting the positive skills that are already in place and correcting problem areas.

The Communication Skills Coaching Process

Pre-Coaching Assessment: A brief introductory phone call gives the coach a chance to establish rapport and alleviate any concerns about the process.

Coaching: The coach meets with the client to discuss areas of focus  The client completes a self-improvement action plan form. 

Post-Coaching Evaluation: The coach produces a written report of observations and recommendations for the client. One month after the session, the coach provides additional support through telephone and e-mail contacts to ensure that the skills are put in place.

To Schedule a Communication Skills Coaching Session, pleasecontact us